EDGE Curriculum

The Getting the EDGE curriculum is currently being used in all fifty states and several countries around the World to teach the game of disc golf. The EDGE curriculum is endorsed by the Professional Disc Golf Association and at 232 pages features 9 full chapters that cover everything from the Basics of the Game, Driving, Approach, and Putting Lesson Plans. All broken down into Elementary, Middle, and High School age-appropriate activities.

The curriculum acts as an activity guide whether you have only twenty minutes or a full ninety to conduct a disc golf lesson or game-oriented activity. Instructors are sure to appreciate the host of other Frisbee/disc games, puzzles, and valuable resources which offer you a complete program that can be used over and over again.

Sample Lesson Plans

The lesson plans from the EDGE curriculum cover a broad range of topics within both disc golf and academics.  To give you a better feel for our curriculum, we have provided two sample lesson plans below.  Our Classroom Linked Lesson Plan teaches a math lesson by looking at disc golf course lengths, and the Disc Golf Lesson Plan depicts a fun disc golf game with an emphasis on learned disc golf skills. We have also provided a sample illustration that depicts a backhand throw.

Example Classroom Linked Lesson Plan - Like in most sports, math and arithmetic are crucial. This lesson plan will test student's knowledge of math using various disc golf scenarios.

Example Disc Golf Lesson Plan - In this example lesson plan, students learn how to work together and gain respect for each other. 

Backhand Throw Chart - Illustrations with corresponding explanations about how to perform a backhand throw.

EDGE Curriculum

Purchase an EDGE Package

Each EDGE package has been carefully crafted to fit the needs of any size group, school, or community. EDGE packages give you the tools to implement a well-rounded disc golf program and set every youth member up for success. 

"Sport teaches you character. It teaches you to play by the rules. It teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose. It teaches you about life." - Billie Jean King

With the EDGE program, students don't just learn hard skills, they learn soft skills too. They learn how to respect their peers, acknowledge mistakes, and improve. Most importantly, they learn the lifetime activity of disc golf. Learn more about our packages here.